Except in an emergency, students are not admitted to the Health Office without a pass, which indicates that they reported to class and are absent from the classroom with the teacher’s permission. Students will sign the Daily Record stating time in and reason for visit. The Health Services Coordinator will sign and time stamps the pass upon leaving and returning to class.
- Any student who must take medication (prescription and/or non-prescription) during school hours is required to contact the Health Services Coordinator. Special forms for the giving of medication during school hours must be obtained from the Health Office. All medications must be kept in the Health Office.
- Medications shall not be furnished to a student by school personnel. This applies to both OTC drugs, such as Tylenol, Aspirin, Advil, etc., and to prescription medications. Students may carry OTC drugs, such as Tylenol or Advil, etc. as long as it remains in the container it was purchased in. The student must bring the medication and a note from the parent allowing its use to the health office when they need to take it.
- In order to meet the specific health needs of students, it is very important that the Health Office be informed in writing of medical conditions/problems which may affect the student’s school performance.
- In order to prevent the spread of contagious diseases, students should not come to school with a fever and/or rash of unknown origin. In case of student illness at school, the parents are to provide transportation home.
- Use of the Health Office must be authorized by the Health Services Coordinator.